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基于 Unity-3D 的“桃花潭”文化教育漫游系统 设计开发统
(安徽商贸职业技术学院,安徽 芜湖 241002)

摘  要:当前环境下,虚拟现实技术与各行业深度融合,根据当下传统文化教育需要,文章提出了以“桃花潭”为主题内容的文化教育漫游系统。采用“建模 + 交互”的技术路径,通过使用 3D-Max 软件创建场景模型,配合水波算法和随机漂流算法实现场景仿真效果,使用 Unity-3D 引擎进行交互功能开发和整体合成,确保漫游系统身临其境的体验感,向用户展现中华传统文化的博大精深,达到文化教育目的




中图分类号:TP391.9;G434                             文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)22-0030-05

Design and Development of “Peach Blossom Pond” Cultural Education Roaming System Based on Unity-3D


(Anhui Business College, Wuhu 241002, China)

Abstract: In the current environment, virtual reality technology is deeply integrated with various industries. According to the current needs of traditional culture education, this paper proposes a cultural education roaming system with the theme content of “Peach Blossom Pond”. It adopts the technical path of “modeling + interaction”, creates a scene model by using 3D-Max software, cooperates with the water wave algorithm and random drift algorithm to achieve the scene simulation effect, and uses Unity-3D engine to develop the interaction function and overall synthesis, so as to ensure the immersive experience of the roaming system. It shows users the broad and profound traditional Chinese culture, and achieves the purpose of cultural education.

Keywords: Unity-3D; water wave; random drift; roaming system


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