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(湖北师范大学 计算机与信息工程学院,湖北 黄石 435002)

摘  要:随着现实世界对人体姿态估计的应用需求越来越高,人体姿态估计研究受到了广泛的关注。文章梳理了近年来基于深度学习的人体姿态估计的研究进展。首先概要介绍人体姿态估计的基本步骤、分类及应用场景、未来研究中有待解决的问题和挑战;然后阐述了人体姿态估计研究的三个基础,包括主体架构、数据集和评估模型的重要指标;最后详细介绍了几个主要的人体姿态估计网络,筛选出对人体姿态估计有重要影响的研究,分析了部分经典模型的架构、工作原理及其实际应用和不足。

关键词:深度学习;单 / 多人体姿态估计;评价指标;数据集



中图分类号:TP39                                          文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0001-06

A Review of Human Body Posture Estimation Methods Based on Deep Learning

CAO Xiaoyu, XIA Duanfeng

(School of Computer and Information Engineering, Hubei Normal University, Huangshi 435002, China)

Abstract: With the increasing demand for the application of human body posture estimation in the real world, the research on human body posture estimation has attracted extensive attention. This paper reviews the research progress of human body posture estimation based on deep learning in recent years. Firstly, the basic steps, classification and application scenarios of human body posture estimation, problems to be solved in future research and challenges to be faced are briefly introduced; then, the three foundations of human body posture estimation research are described, including the main body architecture, datasets and important indicators of the evaluation model; finally, several main human body posture estimation networks are introduced in detail, and the research that has important influence on human body posture estimation is screened out. The architecture, working principle, practical application and deficiency of some classical models are analyzed.

Keywords: deep learning; single/multiple human body posture estimation; evaluation metrics; dataset 


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