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基于区块链 + 电子签章技术的建设工程规划 报批系统设计
(1. 广州市规划和自然资源自动化中心,广东 广州 510030;2. 广州城市规划技术开发服务部有限公司,广东 广州 510030)

摘  要:为解决建设工程规划报批全流程网上办理涉及的多主体之间的数据安全与信任问题,从人员身份认证、数据加密和信息上链三方面,提出了实现可信安全的网上办理建设工程规划报批思路,介绍了区块链、数字签章和 CAD 防篡改等关键技术。并以广州为例,详细阐述了建设工程规划报批系统的总体架构、全程防篡改流程和多主体信息上链存证等设计思路。最后对未来进一步利用区块链技术开展事中事后智能监管进行了展望。



中图分类号:TP311                                      文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0007-04

Design of Construction Project Planning and Approvals System Based on Block Chain + Electronic Signature Technology

WU Wei 1, LUO Long2, HE Xiaoming2, HUANG Ling1

(1.Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Automation Center, Guangzhou 510030, China; 2.Guangzhou Urban Planning Technology Development and Services Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510030, China)

Abstract: Aiming to solve the problems of data security and trust among multi-agent involved in the whole online processing of construction project planning and approvals, this paper from the three aspects of personnel identity authentication, data encryption and information on-chain, puts forward the idea of online approval of construction project planning to achieve credible and secure. Key technologies such as block chain, digital signature and CAD anti-tampering are introduced. Taking Guangzhou as an example, the design ideas of the overall structure of the construction project planning approval system, the whole process of anti-tampering, and the multisubject information on-chain and depositing certificate are expounded in detail. Finally, the further use in future of block chain technology to carry out intelligent supervision during and after the event is prospected.

Keywords: whole process online; electronic signature; block chain; anti-tampering


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