摘 要:在大数据时代,高质量数据对高校教学、科研、管理等工作效率的提升发挥着至关重要的价值。但同时也带来了很多管理和技术方面的问题。文章在梳理高校数据体系结构建设中所遇困难的基础上,讨论了高校数据服务建设现状和发展趋势,在设计层面,探索性地提出了一个以数据为核心的管理及服务框架;在实践层面,论述了数据服务体系的建设历程,实践证明该框架是一个较为完整的数据建设解决方案,可供借鉴和推广。
中图分类号:TN915 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)23-0025-04
Research and Practice of University Data Service Framework Based on Big Data Governance—Take Xi'an University of Science and Technology as an Example
HE Yuange, MU Rong, ZHAO Anxin
(Information Network Center, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, Xi'an 710054, China)
Abstract: In the age of big data, high-quality data plays a vital role in improving the efficiency of university teaching, scientific research, management and other work. But it also brings a lot of management and technical problems. Based on sorting out the difficulties encountered in the construction of university data architecture, this paper discusses the current situation and development trend of university data service construction. At the design level, a management and service framework with data as the core is proposed tentatively; at the practical level, it discusses the construction process of the data service system, practice has proved that the framework is a relatively complete data construction solution, which can be used for reference and promotion.
Keywords: education informatization; integrated application; smart campus; big data governance
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