摘 要:实验采用控制变量法,将相同背景下不同图标的地图作为实验材料,佩戴眼动仪进行观察,采集首次注视时间、注视持续时间等数据并结合问卷调研结果得出用户对该地图的兴趣度。实验中的客观性数据显示,扁平化图标能够吸引用户对地图进行详细观察和内容解读;主观性数据显示,实景图标设计得完美能够吸引用户前往该景区进行游览。实验结果表明不同类型图标对用户兴趣度的影响存在明显差异。
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0001-06
Study on the Influence of Icon Type of Scenic Spot Guide Map on the Degree of Interest
(Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
Abstract: The control variable method is used in the experiment. The maps with different icons under the same background are used as experimental materials. Wear an eye tracker to observe. The first fixation time, fixation duration and other data are collected and combined with the questionnaire results to obtain the user's interest degree in the map. The objective data in the experiment shows that the flat icon can attract users to observe and interpret the map in detail; subjective data shows that the perfect design of the live icon can attract users to visit the scenic spot. The experimental results show that different types of icons have different effects on user interest degree.
Keywords: eye tracking; map icon; map of scenic spot; icon type; interest degree
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