摘 要:由于现代互联网技术的发展,宠物猫也进入了网络社交平台。为了满足爱猫人士在网络社交平台上能以猫会友,分享猫的日常,并获得养猫相关信息等需求,文章设计并实现了一个猫族 APP。系统的核心功能主要有系统管理、社区管理、猫咪管理、文章管理、点赞评论管理和好友管理。该 APP 使用方便,将使爱猫人士之间的交流更加专业而有趣。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0011-03
Design and Implementation of Cat Family APP
YU Qin, SUN Juan, XU Bin, XU Dajiang, HUANG Jiakuan
(School of Post and Telecommunication, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430073, China)
Abstract: Due to the development of internet technology, pet cats enter the social networking platform. In order to meet the needs of people who love cats on the social networking platform, such as making friends with cats, sharing daily life of cats, and getting information about cat keeping, this paper designs and implements the cat APP. The core functions of the system mainly include system management, community management, cat management, article management, like comment management and friend management. This APP is easy to use and it will make the communication between cat lovers more professional and interesting.
Keywords: cat family; pet social; Android
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