摘 要:文章针对新冠疫情下社区人员活动管理不规范,信息化程度不高等问题,采用前后端分离的开发模式,基于Vue+SpringBoot 两个成熟的框架,构建了防疫信息和疫情地图信息数据库,设计并实现了基于 B/S 架构的以防控疫情为主题的社区人员管理系统。系统功能涵盖用户基本信息、健康码、行程卡、核酸信息以及隔离用户管理全过程,并基于高德地图 API 实现确诊人员与风险区的疫情分布地图直观展示功能。系统界面友好,便于操作,功能丰富,可用于辅助社区疫情防控,有效提高疫情防控的效率。
中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0014-05
Design and Implementation of Community Personnel Management System under the COVID-19
ZHAO Rui, HUANG Siyi, HAN Chaogui, CHEN Qiuting, ZOU Mingzhu
(Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problems of nonstandard community personnel activity management and low information level under the COVID-19, this paper uses the development mode of front and rear end separation, based on the Vue + SpringBoot two mature frameworks, builds the epidemic prevention information and map information database, designs and implements community personnel management system based on B/S architecture which takes the epidemic prevention and control as the theme. The functions of the system cover the whole process of user basic information, health code, travel card, nucleic acid information and the management of isolated users, and realize the visual display function of epidemic distribution map of confirmed patients and risk areas based on Amap API. The system has friendly interface, easy operation and rich functions, which can be used to assist community epidemic prevention and control and effectively improve the efficiency of epidemic prevention and control.
Keywords: COVID-19; Vue; SpringBoot; front and rear end separation; community management
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