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(湖南工商大学 智能工程与智能制造学院,湖南 长沙 410205)

摘  要:随着中国经济的平稳增长和居民人均可支配收入的稳步提升,旅游行业得以快速发展,但景区中的不文明行为也随之增加,对生态环境、社会文明造成巨大的影响。文章通过视觉分析、行人检测、特征提取、文语转换等人工智能技术,设计并实现一款不文明行为抓拍劝阻系统。该系统可对景区中不文明行为人的不文明行为进行识别和播报,达到对游客进行劝阻,整治景区乱象之目的。




中图分类号:TP311;TP391.4                        文献标识码:A                                 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0031-04

Design of Capturing System for Uncivilized Behavior in Scenic Spot Based on Edge Calculation

YUAN Binyu, HU Xinyue, WEI Xianwei, HE Dian, JIANG Lin

(School of Intelligent Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha 410205, China)

Abstract: With the steady growth of China's economy and the steady increase of per capita disposable income of residents, the tourism industry has developed rapidly, but uncivilized behaviors in scenic spots have also increased, which has a huge impact on the ecological environment and social civilization. This paper designs and implements an uncivilized behavior capture and dissuasion system through artificial intelligence technologies such as visual analysis, pedestrian detection, feature extraction, text to speech conversion, etc. The system can identify and broadcast the uncivilized behaviors of uncivilized people in the scenic area, so as to dissuade tourists and rectify the chaos in the scenic area.

Keywords: discourage uncivilized behavior; visual analysis; action recognition; feature extraction; real time capture


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