摘 要:月经突然造访,没有携带卫生巾怎么办呢?女性互助小程序来帮忙。为了解决校园女性在特殊时期的尴尬问题,开发了一款女性互助微信小程序。用户可以使用小程序获取附近的卫生巾互助点,从互助点获取自己所需的卫生巾,也能使用小程序来预测其下一次经期,帮助预防此类情况的再次出现。同时,用户还能加入志愿者招募活动,为小程序提供力所能及的帮助。
中图分类号:TP311.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2022)24-0034-05
Design and Implementation of Female Mutual Aid WeChat Applet
(Hunan College of Information, Changsha 410200, China)
Abstract: What should a girl do if she meets a sudden menstrual without carrying sanitary napkins? Female mutual aid Mini Program will do a help. In order to solve the embarrassing problem of women on campus in a special period, a WeChat Mini Program for female mutual aid is developed. Users can use the mini program to obtain nearby sanitary napkin mutual aid points and obtain the sanitary napkins they need from the mutual aid points. And they can also use the mini program to predict their next menstrual period to help prevent such situations from recurring. At the same time, users can also join volunteer recruitment activities to provide the mini program with help within their ability.
Keywords: menstruation; female mutual aid; WeChat applet
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作者简介:闵慧(1986—),女 , 汉族,湖南湘潭人,讲师,硕士,研究方向:人工智能、软件开发。