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基于 B/S 架构的勤工助学系统设计与实现
(江西中医药大学,江西 南昌 330004)

摘  要:勤工助学是高校学生资助工作的重要组成部分,是提高学生综合素质和资助家庭经济困难学生的有效途径,是实现全程育人、方位育人的有效平台。将信息技术运用到高校学生勤工助学管理中,不仅能够有效提高管理效率,降低人工成本,还可以更加高效地解决贫困生与岗位匹配的问题。因此,文章运用 B/S 架构模式,结合 SSM 框架、jsp 技术、MySQL 数据库和Tomcat 服务器,设计并实现了勤工助学系统。并且根据每一个学生需求,使用协同过滤算法,进行个性化岗位推荐,提高岗位的匹配度。

关键词:勤工助学;协同过滤算法;B/S 架构;MySQL 数据库



中图分类号:TP311                                     文献标识码:A                              文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0028-04

Design and Implementation of Work-study System Based on B/S Architecture

LI Huan, WANG Yangjun, WAN Shan

(Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China)

Abstract: The work-study program is an important part of university student funding work, an effective way to improve students' comprehensive quality and support students with financial difficulties in their families, and an effective platform to achieve all-round education. Applying information technology to the management of college students' work-study program can not only effectively improve the management efficiency, reduce labor costs, but also more effectively solve the problem of matching poor students with posts. Therefore, this paper designs and implements a work-study system by using B/S architecture mode, combining SSM framework, jsp technology, MySQL database and Tomcat server. According to the needs of each student, collaborative filtering algorithm is used to recommend personalized post, which can improve the matching degree of posts.

Keywords: word-study program; collaborative filtering algorithm; B/S architecture; MySQL database


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