摘 要:车辆保险的购买意向预测是一个二分类预测问题,可分为有意向购买和无意向购买,使用 XGBoost 算法和Logistic Regression 算法对车辆保险数据集进行模型构建和分类预测。该研究首先对原始数据集进行数据预处理,然后使用网格搜索法,采取五折交叉验证来对模型进行超参数优化并构建预测模型,最后选择 ROC 曲线和 AUC 值作为预测模型的评价指标模型的泛化能力进行性能评估,结果表明 XGBoost 算法具有最好的预测效果。
关键词:XGBoost 算法;数据预处理;网格搜索;模型评估;ROC 曲线
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0031-04
Research on Application of XGBoost Algorithm in Vehicle Insurance Purchase Prediction
WANG Chaoqiang
(School of Information Engineering, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450046, China)
Abstract: The purchase intention prediction of vehicle insurance is a binary prediction problem, which can be divided into intentional purchase and unintentional purchase. This paper uses the XGBoost algorithm and Logistic Regression algorithm to carry out model construction and classification prediction of the vehicle insurance data set. The research firstly performs data preprocessing on the original dataset. Then, the grid search method and five-fold cross-validation are used to optimize the hyperparameters of the model and construct a prediction model. Finally, the ROC curve and AUC value are selected as the evaluation indicators of the prediction model to evaluate the generalization ability of the model. The results show that the XGBoost algorithm has a very good prediction effect.
Keywords: XGBoost algorithm; data preprocessing; grid search; model evaluation; ROC curve
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