摘 要:传统的李冰纪念馆采用橱窗陈列的方式,信息表达单一,互动性较差。该项目通过 3DsMax 建模软件进行精准建模,利用 Unreal Engine 4 引擎的可视化编程,材质系统、UMG 等重要功能模块和实时渲染技术实现李冰纪念馆虚拟展示系统,充分发挥虚拟现实技术的沉浸性,交互性和想象性的三大特点,对实现李冰纪念馆的社会教育和文化传播能力具有一定的作用。
基金项目:四川旅游学院第三批“课程思政”示范专业;四川旅游学院 2020 年校级双语课程项目 (ZL20200049);川藏智慧旅游工程研究中心 2022 年开放基金项目 (ZLGC2022B05)
中图分类号:TP391.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2023)06-0038-03
Design and Implementation of Virtual Display System of Li Bing Memorial Hall Based on UE4
LIU Tingyan
(Sichuan Tourism University, Chengdu 610100, China)
Abstract: The traditional Li Bing Memorial Hall adopts the way of window display, the information expression is single, and the interaction is poor. This project uses 3DsMax modeling software for accurate modeling, uses visual programming, material system, UMG and other important function modules and real-time rendering technology of UE4 to realize the virtual display system of Li Bing Memorial Hall. It gives full play to the three characteristics of Virtual Reality technology: immersion, interaction and imagination, and plays a certain role in realizing the social education and cultural communication ability of Li Bing Memorial Hall.
Keywords: Li Bing Memorial Hall; virtual display system; UE4; Virtual Reality
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