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(浙江广厦建设职业技术大学 智能制造学院,浙江 金华 322100)

摘  要:在互联网高速发展的时代,一些互联网教学平台诸如中国大学 MOOC、智慧树、智慧职教等随之兴起。但部分地区的网络仍存在不稳定性,而且现在网络信息对学生的诱惑较大。基于 Microsoft Office 与 LabVIEW 平台,搭建了适用于教师组题、学生练习测评的智慧题库平台。教师通过界面进行题目数量、题型等配置完成组题过程。学生通过读取本地 Excel 文件,获取题目信息,实现无网情况下正常学习。




中图分类号:TP311                                           文献标识码:A                                    文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0049-04

Design of Digital Intelligent Question Bank Platform

WANG Yuxiao, YU Bingwei, WANG Fei, QIU Haocheng

(School of Intelligent Manufacturing, Zhejiang Guangsha Vocational and Technical University of Construction, Jinhua 322100, China)

Abstract: In the era of rapid development of the internet, some internet teaching platforms such as MOOC, Wisdom Tree, Wisdom Vocational Education have sprung up. However, the network in some regions is still unstable, and now the network information is more attractive to students. Based on the Microsoft Office and LabVIEW platform, an intelligent question bank platform suitable for teacher test  creation, student exercise and evaluation has been built. The teacher configures the number and type of questions through the interface to complete the question group process. By reading the local Excel documents, students can learn normally without the network.

Keywords: intelligent question bank; teacher test creation; exercise and evaluation; internet teaching


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