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基于百度 AI 的文字识别系统设计
(厦门大学嘉庚学院,福建 漳州 363105)

摘  要:文章主要介绍了基于百度 AI 的文字识别系统设计。该系统采用 Exynos4412 核心板为主控制器,采用 USB 摄像头为图像采集设备,采用 RGB LCD 触摸屏为显示设备。在 Linux 操作系统下,使用 Qt 设计控制界面,调用 OpenCV 库函数和百度 AI 接口函数来实现车牌识别、手写文字识别和语音合成。测试结果表明,系统具有界面友好、识别准确率高等优点,具有一定的实用推广价值。

关键词:百度 AI;OpenCV;文字识别;语音合成



中图分类号:TP311                                          文献标识码:A                                     文章编号:2096-4706(2023)07-0045-04

Design of Character Recognition System Based on Baidu AI

LIAN Lihong

(Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College, Zhangzhou 363105, China)

Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the design of character recognition system based on Baidu AI. The system uses Exynos4412 core board as the main controller, USB camera as the image acquisition device, and RGB LCD touch screen as the display device. Under Linux operating system, use Qt to design control interface, call OpenCV library function and Baidu AI interface function to realize license plate recognition, handwritten character recognition and speech synthesis. The test results show that the system has the advantages of friendly interface, high recognition accuracy, and has a certain practical promotion value.

Keywords: Baidu AI; OpenCV; character recognition; speech synthesis


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