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(佛山市测绘地理信息研究院,广东 佛山 528000)

摘  要:人防工程是现代化城市建设的重要内容,全面推进人防信息化建设,加快提高基于GIS 的人防信息管理、辅助决策及应急指挥能力,大力推进防空防灾一体化建设,做到“平战结合”是目前人防工程信息化建设的首要问题。本文介绍了近年来,某市人防工程信息化建设实践情况,重点阐述了实施技术路线及人防基础地理信息支撑平台,并对实践过程中的创新点进行了总结,为其他城市人防信息化建设提供参考。


中图分类号:TU927         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0015-03

The Practice and Innovation of Civil Air Defense Survey and Information SystemConstruction in Foshan
——Taking Foshan city as an example

(Foshan Surveying Mapping and Geoinformation Research Institute,Foshan 528000,China)

Abstract:The civil air defense project is an important part of the modern city construction. It is also an important issue to promotethe construction of civil defense information,accelerate the improvement of the GIS based civil air defense information management,auxiliary decision-making and emergency command,and vigorously promote the integrated construction of air defense and disasterprevention,and the“combination of peacetime and war”is the primary problem in the construction of civil air defense engineering. This paper introduces the information construction practice of Foshan civil air defense project in recent years,focuses on the implementation ofthe technical route and the basic geographic information support platform for civil air defense,and summarizes the innovation points in theprocess of practice,so as to provide reference for the information construction of other urban civil air defense.

Keywords:civil air defense project general survey;GIS;Beidou ground-based augmentation system;CGCS2000


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作者简介:杨坤(1988-),男,汉族,安徽定远人,工程师,注册测绘师,本科,从事大地测量、地下空间测量、GNSS 数据处理等工作。