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(河南工程学院 人文社会科学学院,河南 郑州 451191)

摘  要:当今网络社会犯罪的数量已经远远超过了现实社会犯罪的数量。犯罪的传统防治手段不能适应网络犯罪的爆炸性增长。网络的开放性、共享性、快捷性和即时性决定了网络犯罪问题更多的需要通过网络解决。网络犯罪的云端公共管理是在互联网环境里构建“行政主体主导,立法、司法等国家机关积极跟进,企事业等其他组织和个人广泛参与”的、综合运用数学模型、计算机科学、法学、经济学、管理学等多学科知识的、采用大数据时代最先进的云计算技术的云端网络犯罪防治体系。


中图分类号:D917;TP393         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)08-0018-03

The Public Management of Network Crime in the Cloud
GAO Qingguo
(School of Humanities and Social Sciences,Henan University of Engineering,Zhengzhou 451191,China)

Abstract:Nowadays,the number of crimes in cyber society has far exceeded the number of crimes in real society. The traditionalmeans of prevention and control of crime can not adapt to the explosive growth of cyber crime. The openness,sharing,rapidity and immediacy of the network determine that the problem of cybercrime needs to be solved more by network. In the internet environment,the public management of the network crime is to construct the “administrative main body,the legislature,the judicature and other state organs to actively follow up,the enterprises and other organizations and individuals participate”in the internet,and apply the multidisciplinary knowledge of mathematical models,computer science,law,economics,management and so on. The most advanced cloud computing technology in the age of big data is cloud network crime prevention and control system.

Keywords:network crime;control and control countermeasures;fuzzy mathematics;public management


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