摘 要:财务信息作为我们掌握企业营运能力和盈利状况的主要参考因素,在制定科学发展方案、提升企业经济效益等方面都起到了十分重要的作用。且随着电力行业的迅猛发展,传统财务管理信息系统中存在的问题也在不断显现,很难有效地对企业运行的实际状况进行反映。此外,当电力公司开展电网基建活动时,会面临建筑材料价格变动导致预算结果不准确、施工设备和施工工艺选择不合理导致预算成本增加等问题,无形中增加了企业运行的风险。因此,笔者建议通过优化财务管理信息系统的方式,提升配电网基建投资预算工作的质量和效率,并将相关研究结果总结于下文。
中图分类号:F426.61;TP399 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0013-03
Discussion on the Strategy of Optimizing the Investment Budget of GridInfrastructure with Financial Management Information System
DONG Yanxu1,FANG Zhijian1,YANG Xiaolei2,XIAO Jianping2,ZHANG Jie2
(1.State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Information and Communication Branch,Fuzhou 350001,China;2.State Grid Xintong Yili Technology Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350001,China)
Abstract:Financial information,as the main reference factor for us to master the operating ability and profitability ofenterprises,has played a very important role in formulating scientific development plans and improving the economic benefits ofenterprises. With the rapid development of power industry,the problems in the traditional financial management information systemare constantly appearing,and it is difficult to effectively respond to the actual situation of the operation of the enterprise. In addition,when power companies carry out grid infrastructure activities,they will face problems such as inaccurate budget results due to changesin construction materials prices,and increasing budget costs due to unreasonable selection of construction equipment and constructionprocesses,which will virtually increase the risk of enterprises operating. Therefore,the author proposes to improve the quality andefficiency of the infrastructure investment budget of distribution network by optimizing the financial management information system,and to make relevant research results. Therefore,the author proposes to improve the quality and efficiency of the distribution networkinfrastructure investment budget by optimizing the financial management information system,and summarizes the relevant researchresults in the following paragraphs.
Keywords:financial management;information system;power grid infrastructure;investment budget
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