摘 要:浏览网页是互联网用户的重要上网行为,分析网络用户的网页访问行为可以为优化网络管理提供依据。本文建立了一种网络用户的网页访问行为的分析架构,以访问网页时产生的网络数据流为数据源,分析网页数据包的传输规律,通过网络活动的关键特征信息构建网页访问行为,从网页访问行为历史记录信息中生成新的网页访问行为类型,采用网页访问行为特征库识别网页访问行为类型。
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)09-0015-03
Analysis Architecture for Web Page Browsing Behavior of Network Users
ZHANG Yan,LIU Caiming
(School of Computer Science,Leshan Normal University,Leshan 614000,China)
Abstract:Browsing web pages is an important behavior of surfing the internet to network users. The analysis of web pagebrowsing behaviors of network users can provide bases for the optimization of network management. An analytical architecture for webpage browsing behavior of network users is constructed in this paper. The regular pattern of transmitting web page packages is analyzedwith the data source which are network traffics generated by browsing web pages. Web page browsing behaviors are constructed throughkey features of network activities. New classes of web page browsing behaviors are sought out from the historical behavior records. Thebehavior type is recognized through the behavior feature library.
Keywords:Web page browsing behavior;Web page package;behavior analysis;behavior feature;behavior record
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