摘 要:针对电力领域中信息通信一体化调度运行支撑平台(简称I6000)在数据交互和传输时存在实时性和灵活性等方面不足的问题,本文提出了一种新颖的数据交互新模型。这种模型是一种改进型发布- 订阅模式,将I6000 的接口数据按日志格式进行预处理,然后将日志进行数据同步,将信息通信一体化调度运行支撑平台的重要信息数据采集后进行保存,保存的格式采用 预先设定的模式,然后对保存的数据进行压缩处理,再通过发布- 订阅方式将压缩的数据进行传输,并在接收端将压缩的数据进行解析,最终通过发布和订阅的方式实现了对I6000 数据的采集- 压缩- 传输- 接受- 解析。通过提出该方法,能够有效解决I6000 在数据传输上存在的延迟问题,提升数据处理效率,增加数据的时效性和健壮性。
中图分类号:TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0024-02
Data Interaction Model of I6000 Interface Based on Publish-Subscribe
ZHAO Zhongying,LI Bin,WANG Min
(State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Information and Communication Company,Yinchuan 750001,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of insufficient real-time and flexibility in data interaction and transmission of information and communication integrated dispatching and operation support platform (I6000) in electric power field,this paper presents a new data interaction model,which is an improved publish-subscribe model and integrates I6000 interface number according to the pre-processing according to the log format,and then the log data synchronization,the important information data acquisition of the information and communication integrated dispatching and operation support platform is saved. The saved format adopts the pre-set mode,the saved data is compressed and processed,and the compressed data is transmitted through publish-subscribe mode. The receiving end parses the compressed data,and finally realizes the collection-compression-transmission-acceptance-analysis of I6000 data by publishing and subscribing. By putting forward this method,I6000 data transmission delay problem can be effectively solved,data processing efficiency can be improved,the timeliness and robustness of data can be increased.
Keywords:I6000;data synchronous interaction;middleware;asynchronous transmission
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