摘 要:随着现代信息技术的普及,高校对课程进行考核的方式也在不断改变。为了改变传统轻实践重理论的考核方式,笔者设计出基于互联网的在线网络考试系统,其可以在学生学习的过程中,对其课程每章节的学习情况进行综合测评。同时,教师也可以利用本系统进行期末测试、成绩查询并对分数进行统计。因此,基于互联网的在线考试系统为教师对学生进行测评和及时掌握学生学习情况提供了极大的便利。
中图分类号:TP315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0014-03
Design and Implementation of Online Examination System
CAO Jinjing,SUN Degang
(College of Electronic Information Engineering,Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)
Abstract:With the popularization of modern information technology,the form of curriculum assessment in colleges and universities is constantly changing. In order to change the past assessment form of emphasizing theory rather than practice,we have designed an online network examination system based on internet. In the process of learning,students can make a comprehensive assessment of the learning situation of each chapter of their curriculum. At the same time,teachers can also use the system for final test, performance query and score statistics. Therefore,the online examination system based on the Internet provides great convenience for teachers to evaluate students and grasp students’learning situation in time.
Keywords:internet;online examination system;examination management
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