摘 要:随着智能制造的推广和普及,企业实现系统间数据的互联互通变得十分必要。Teamcenter(以下简称TC)做为一款被广泛使用的全生命周期产品数据管理系统,必然会产生和其他系统如ERP、CRM、MES 等的数据连接需求。本文对将Axis2 作为Web Service 架构向其他系统开放TC 的Web Service 接口,并通过TC-ITK 提取TC 数据向接口传递的实现方法进行了介绍。
关键词:Axis2;Teamcenter;TC-ITK;数据连接传递;Web Service 接口
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0007-03
Teamcenter System Web Service Interface Implemented Based on
Axis2 Architecture +TC-ITK
(Department of Information Technology,Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Yulin 537005,China)
Abstract:With the popularization of intelligent manufacturing,it is necesSary for enterprises to realize the interconnection and interoperability of data between systems. Teamcenter(hereinafter referred to as TC) as a widely used life cycle product data management system,will inevitably produce data connection requirements with other systems such as ERP,CRM,MES,and so on. In this paper,Axis2 is used as Web Service architecture to open TC’s Web Service interface to other systems,and the implementation method of extracting TC data and transferring it to the interface through TC-ITK is introduced.
Keywords:Axis2;Teamcenter;TC-ITK;data connection transfer;Web Service interface
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