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(福建省科学技术信息研究所,福建 福州 350003)

摘  要:改革开放以来,随着我国科学技术的不断发展和广泛应用,移动终端软件的建设与开发在一定程度上不仅极大地 便捷了人们的生产生活,同时在提升国际影响力和竞争力、提高国家的国际地位等方面也发挥了重要作用,故而为有效地拓展移 动终端软件的应用范围,提升软件应用的高效性和科学性,对移动终端软件进行测试是当前移动互联网产业发展的核心科研方向。 鉴于此,本文主要阐述了移动互联网下软件测试的基础和技术,并对其具体的技术应用进行了深入探讨,以期为全面提高移动终 端软件的应用性和科学性奠定良好基础。


中图分类号:TP311.52        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0008-03

Research and Application of Mobile Internet Software Testing Technology


(Fujian Institute of Science and Technology Information,Fuzhou 350003,China)

Abstract:Since the reform and openness,with the continuous development and wide application of science and technology in China,the construction and development of mobile terminal software not only greatly facilitates people’s production and life,but also plays an important role in enhancing international influence and competitiveness,and improving the international status of the country. Therefore,in order to effectively expand the application scope of mobile terminal software,improving the efficiency and scientificity of software application and testing mobile terminal software are the core research direction of mobile internet industry development. In view of this,this paper mainly elaborates the foundation and technology of software testing under mobile internet,and deeply discusses the application of its specific technology in order to lay a good foundation for improving the applicability and scientificity of mobile terminal software in an all-round way.

Keywords:mobile internet;software testing;technology research;technology application


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作者简介:王彦(1979-),男,汉族,福建古田人,硕士, 高级工程师,研究方向:计算机技术及软件测试。