摘 要:Web 应用系统在大量用户进行访问的情况下容易出现网站响应的时间过长、系统崩溃和瘫痪等现象,并且随着社会不断地发展,使用互联网的用户变得越来越多,所以开发人员要对Web 应用系统进行最大限度的优化,以保证Web 应用系统的使用质量。所以改变Web 正面临的问题是刻不容缓的,因此本文主要分析和研究了高并发Web 系统性能的优化方法。
关键词:高并发;Web 应用系统;性能优化
中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0022-02
Analysis and Research on Performance Optimization ofHigh Concurrent Web Application System
WANG Wei,TAN Songrong
(Tianyi iMusic Culture Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510180,China)
Abstract:Web application system is prone to some phenomena such as too long response time,system crash and paralysis when a large number of users visit it. With the continuous development of society,more and more users will use the internet. Therefore, developers should optimize the Web application system to the maximum extent to ensure the quality of the use of the Web application system. Therefore,it is urgent to change the problems that the Web is facing. Therefore,this paper mainly analyses and studies the performance optimization methods of high concurrent Web systems.
Keywords:high concurrency;Web application system;performance optimization
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作者简介:王伟(1978-),男,汉族,辽宁海城人,研发中 心总经理,工程师,博士研究生,研究方向:高并发分布式系统设计、 基于Hadoop 的大数据平台设计。