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(南京晓庄学院,江苏 南京 211171)

摘  要:随着近几年来人工智能技术的发展,计算机技术被越来越多地应用到教育领域,英语作文自动评分就是其中的一个方面。为达到英语作文自动评分的要求,该系统提取作文内容等一系列特征进行综合考评,使用自然语言处理、文本特征提取、潜在语法分析等技术,实现英语作文自动评分功能。本系统可通过添加自定义的停用词词典,而扩展运用到更多的场景。


中图分类号:TP319         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0027-03

Research and Implementation of English Composition Automatic Scoring System
ZHANG Ruijie,SONG Wanli,LIU Qi,FAN Yuanyuan,JIANG Dairui,GE Yipeng
(Nanjing Xiaozhuang University,Nanjing 211171,China)

Abstract:With the development of artificial intelligence technology in recent years,computer technology has been more and more applied to the field of education. The automatic scoring of English composition is also one of the aspects to achieve automatic scoring of English composition. In order to meet the requirement of automatic scoring of English compositions,the system extracts a series of features such as the content of the compositions for comprehensive evaluation,and uses natural language processing,text feature extraction,potential grammar analysis and other technologies to achieve automatic scoring of English compositions. The system can be extended to more scenarios by adding a custom dictionary of stop words.

Keywords:automatic scoring;latent semantic analysis;text feature extraction


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