摘 要:传统的建筑垃圾处理方法主要是将垃圾运往郊外堆放或挖坑填埋,这种方法不仅会占用大量的土地资源,造成严重的环境污染,还会造成建筑垃圾中有用资源的浪费。本课题通过对桁架式分拣机械手的机械部分和控制部分等进行研究设计,以期能够提高建筑垃圾的分拣效率和分拣准确率,达到节约人工、自动分拣、再生利用的目的。
关键词:机器人;建筑垃圾;机械手;PLC 控制
中图分类号:TP242 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)04-0184-02
Design and Research of Building Waste Sorting Robot System
WU Jinwen,FANG Jianfei
(Nanjing Technology University Pujiang Institute,Nanjing 211200,China)
Abstract:Traditional construction waste dispoSal methods are mainly to be transported to the suburbs for storage or digging and landfill,which not only requires a large amount of land resources,but also causes serious environmental pollution and waste of useful resources in construction waste. Through the research and design of the mechanical part and control part of truss sorting machine,the sorting efficiency and accuracy of construction waste can be improved,and the purpose of Saving labor,automatic sorting and recycling can be achieved.
Keywords:robot;construction waste;manipulator;PLC control
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