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(沈机(上海)智能系统研发设计有限公司,上海 200433)

摘  要:没有智能相机之前,外形没有规律的物品都是透过传统的定位方式或特殊工装实现定位,不能满足多个品种使用一个定位方式或一个特殊工装的定位问题。基于三角测量法或平面测量法的原理,通过高达每秒1200 万点的速度来快速扫描物品,获取工件的点云数据,然后通过对点云数据进行3D 建模,从而得到物品的三维模型,并对建模特征进行智能分析,以判断出工件当前的姿态位置,通过网络方式或特殊的高速通讯接口来把数据发送工件光前的座标给机器人,机器人得到工件物品的相关信息,然后指挥机器人完成抓取动作。

关键词:智能分拣;工业机器人;3D 相机

中图分类号:TP311.56;TP391.44         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0075-03

Application and Exploration of Intelligent Sorting
YANG Aijun
(Shenji(Shanghai)Intelligent System Development and Design Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200433,China)

Abstract:Before intelligent cameras were available,irregular objects were positioned by traditional positioning methods or special tools,which could not satisfy the positioning problem of multiple varieties using a single positioning method or a special tool. Based on the principle of triangulation or plane measurement,the point cloud data of workpiece can be scanned quickly by the speed of up to 12 million points per second,and then the 3D model of the object can be obtained by 3D modeling of the point cloud data,and the intelligent analysis of the modeling features can be made to determine the current position of the workpiece,and through network or special highspeed communication connection. The data is sent to the robot in front of the light. The robot obtains the relevant information of the workpiece,and then commands the robot to complete the grabbing action.

Keywords:intelligent sorting;industrial robots;3D cameras


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