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基于ANSYS Workbench 的太阳能田园管理机开槽刀模态分析
(中山职业技术学院,广东 中山 528404)

摘  要:开槽刀是太阳能田园管理机开槽的重要部件,开槽刀工作时的固有频率和振型在很大程度上会影响到整机的可靠性与安全性。因此,利用软件Pro/E 建立开槽刀的三维实体模型,并将模型导入有限元分析软件ANSYS 中,对模型进行模态分析,提取前6 阶固有频率,与外部加载的频率进行比较,分析结果表明开槽刀的强度和刚度满足设计要求,振动影响很小,不会发生共振而导致机器被破坏。


中图分类号:TG502         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0072-03

Modaling Analysis of Slotting Knife of Solar Energy Pastoral Management Machine Based on ANSYS Workbench
WANG Qing,ZHOU Donghua
(Zhongshan Polytechnic,Zhongshan 528404,China)

Abstract:Slotting knife is an important part of solar farm management machine slotting. The natural frequency and mode of vibration of slotting knife will affect the reliability and safety of the whole machine to a great extent. Therefore,the three-dimensional solid model of slotting cutter is established by software Pro/E,and the model is imported into finite element analysis software ANSYS. The modal analysis of the model is carried out. The first six natural frequencies are extracted and compared with the frequencies of external loading. The analysis results show that the strength and stiffness of slotting cutter meet the design requirements,and the vibration effect is very small,and resonance will not occur,which will lead to the machine being destroyed.

Keywords:solar energy pastoral management machine;slotting cutter;modal analysis


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