摘 要:高速列车的噪声严重影响人的身心健康,列车速度提高后,气动噪声将成为列车噪声的主要组成部分。认识列车噪声声源的分布,采取主动降噪的方法控制噪声幅值,显得尤为重要。我国高速铁路发展起步较晚,我国对于列车噪声声源方面的研究相对较少,国外研究的方法和结论可为我们认识列车噪声提供借鉴。本文以日本新干线列车实车试验结果为基础,介绍了日本新干线列车噪声声源分布情况及日本高速铁路主动降噪措施。
中图分类号:U467.493;U270.16 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0168-03
Overview of Research on Noise Source Distribution and Active Noise Reduction of Shinkansen Trains in Japan
JIN Yongrong,CHEN Xiaoli
(Hunan Railway Professional Technology College,Zhuzhou 412001,China)
Abstract:The noise of high-speed train seriously affects people’s physical and mental health. With the increase of train speed,aerodynamic noise will become the main component of train noise. It is particularly important to understand the distribution of train noise sources and adopt active noise reduction method to control the noise amplitude. The development of high-speed railway in China started relatively late,and the research on the noise sources of trains in China is relatively few. The methods and conclusions of foreign research can provide us with reference to understand the noise sources of trains. Based on the test results of Shinkansen trains in Japan,this paper introduces the noise source distribution of Shinkansen trains in Japan and the active noise reduction measures of Japan’s high-speed railway.
Keywords:Shinkansen train in Japan;noise reduction;noise pollution
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