摘 要:科学技术快速发展的新时代的到来,极大地推动了社会生产力的发展。作为最新发展起来的一项技术,人工智能在很多领域都得到了广泛的应用,同时给我们的生活带来了很多便利。近几年来,人工智能技术在机械电子工程领域得到应用,在科技和经济方面都取得了良好的效果。故而,本文主要对人工智能技术和机械电子工程的概念作出阐述,对人工智能技术在机械电子工程领域的应用研究展开详细探讨。
中图分类号:TN06;TP211 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0170-02
Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering
XIAO Jiangcun
(Guangzhou Branch of China Quality Certification Center,Guangzhou 510620,China)
Abstract:With the arrival of the new era of rapid development of science and technology,the development of social productive forces has been greatly promoted. As a newly developed technology,artificial intelligence has been widely used in many fields,and at the Same time,it has brought many conveniences to our life. In recent years,the application of artificial intelligence technology in mechanical and electronic engineering has achieved good feedback in science,technology and economy. Therefore,this paper mainly expounds the concepts of AI technology and mechatronic engineering,and discusses the application of AI technology in mechatronic engineering in detail.
Keywords:artificial intelligence technology;mechatronic engineering;computer applied research
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作者简介:肖江村(1973.01-),男,汉族,江西宜春人, 高级主管工程师,学士,研究方向:机电一体化、质量管理。