摘 要:未来3D 打印机将广泛应用,进入千家万户。在此基础上,我们可以实现一种基于3D 打印技术的电商购买模式。人们在网上购物将借助3D 打印机来完成,相比传统电商购物,买家通过网络搜索到的是该商品3D 打印的设计图数据而不是通过物流快递的商品实体,买家通过购买商品设计图,再通过3D 打印机打印出商品实体。此模式可以改变现有电子商务模式、创 造新物流模式。
关键词:3D 打印;电子商务;网络购物
中图分类号:TP391.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)03-0172-03
Research on an E-commerce Shopping Model Based on 3D Printing Technology
ZHOU Huiju1,LI Mingyong2
(1.College of Computer and Information Science,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331,China;2.Graduate School of Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 401331,China)
Abstract:In the future,3D printers will be widely used in thouSands of homes. On this basis,we can realize an e-commerce purchase mode based on 3D printing technology. People will use 3D printers to complete online shopping. Compared with traditional e-commerce shopping,buyers can find the 3D printed design data of the product through the internet instead of the product entity via logistics and express delivery. Buyers can buy the product design drawing and then print out the product entity through 3D printer. This mode can change the existing e-commerce mode and create new logistics mode.
Keywords:3D printing;electronic commerce;network shopping
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作者简介:周会菊(1995.10-),女,汉族,贵州人,硕士 研究生,研究方向:电子商务、3D 打印。