摘 要:作为当代工业较为普遍的分布式供热系统,小型燃机分布式功能系统有着较好的环境效益和能源综合利用率。因此,小型燃机分布式功能系统比传统集中电站更容易被相关企业工厂运用。本文结合相关项目建设案例,针对小型燃机分布式功能系统进行设计分析,对其产生的经济效益和特征进行了一定阐述,希望能够给相关领域的工业提供借鉴。
中图分类号:TU83 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0155-03
Design of Distributed Energy Supply System for Small Gas Turbine and Discussion on Economic Benefit
Chen Yunfeng1,Gao Shuai2
(1.Shaanxi Gas Group New Energy Development Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710016,China;2.State Electricity Investment Group Zhengzhou Gas Power Generation Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450016,China)
Abstract:As a common distributed heating system in contemporary industry,the distributed function system of small gas turbine has better environmental benefits and comprehensive utilization of energy. Therefore,the small gas turbine distributed function system is easier to be used by relevant enterprises than the traditional centralized power plant. In this paper,combined with relevant project construction cases,the design and analysis of distributed function system for small gas turbine are carried out,and the economic benefits and characteristics of the system are expounded,hoping to provide reference for Industry in related fields.
Keywords:industry;distributed functional system of small gas engine;construction case;economic benefit
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作者简介:陈云峰(1980-),男,汉族,内蒙古人,副总经理, 工程师,学士,研究方向:清洁发电及新能源。