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触摸屏与PLC 在火电厂粉煤灰气力输送系统的应用
(福建龙净环保股份有限公司,福建 龙岩 364000)

摘  要:由于各国工业的不断发展,各种工业污染排放导致地球的自然环境不断恶化,尤其是大气污染,使许多人类患上疾病,未来对于环境的保护将变得越来越重要。目前我国的工业发展正处于高峰期,在加速业发展的同时,减少工业对环境的污染具有重大意义。烟尘排放污染的主要来源之一便是火力发电厂。因此,为保护我国生态环境,保障火电厂除尘环节的高效运行显得尤为重要。在火力发电厂的除尘环保中,粉煤灰气力运输系统是最为重要的一个环节,气力运输控制系统设计的水平将直接影响火电厂的除尘环保效果。通过对气力输送系统进行科学合理的设计,能够更好地对系统进行控制和操作,对于发挥系统的最大收益是非常有必要的。


中图分类号:TM621.7;TP334.3        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0158-03

Application of Touch Screen and PLC in Pneumatic Conveying System of Flyash in Thermal Power Plant

TONG Xinying

(Fujian Long King Environmental Protection Company Limited by Share,Longyan 364000,China)

Abstract:As we all know,due to the continuous development of industries in various countries,various industrial pollution emissions lead to the deterioration of the earth’s natural environment,especially air pollution,which makes many people suffer from diseases. In the future,environmental protection will become more and more important. At present,China’s industrial development is at its peak. While improving industrial development,reducing industrial pollution to the environment is of great significance. One of the main sources of smoke and dust pollution is thermal power plants. Therefore,in order to protect China’s ecological environment and ensure the efficient operation of dust removal links in thermal power plants is particularly important. In the dust removal and environmental protection of thermal power plants,the pneumatic transportation system of flyash is the most important link. The design of pneumatic transportation control system will directly affect the dust removal and environmental protection effect of thermal power plants. Through scientific and reasonable design of pneumatic conveying system,it is necessary to control and operate the system better,and to maximize the benefits of the system.

Keywords:touch screen;PLC;pneumatic transportation


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作者简介:童新英(1971.12-),男,汉族,福建武平人, 工程师,本科,研究方向:物料输送控制。