摘 要:在我们生活中,与水有接触或者可能接触的电器产品,在国家标准中都对其有相应的防护要求。一般IP 防护等级实际的生产过程中经常要用水来测试,然而由于我司射频无源器件产品本身有电镀要求,产品一旦进水可能会对器件造成不可修复的伤害,而且测试结果不直观,作业效率很低,为此我们通过实验换算对应IP 等级的气密性测试参数关系,改变测试方法,引入差压式气密性测试仪进行产品防护等级检验。并结合本公司的产品特点和品质要求设计一种气动原理的自动测试装置,用于改善测试环节依靠人工、效率低下、异常品无法追溯历史记录以及出厂品质得不到保证等问题。
关键词:IP 防护等级;测试参数;测试方法;联动测试;数据保存
中图分类号:TP274;TH138.51 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0125-03
IP Protection Level Test and Device
CHEN Fuwen
(Guangzhou Comba Telecom Systems Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China)
Abstract:In our daily life,electrical products that are in contact with or may be in contact with water have corresponding protection requirements in national standards,waterproofing of general IP often is water to test in the actual production process,product itself against our RF passive components have plating requirements,product once the water is likely to cause irreparable damage to the device,and the test result is not intuitive,working efficiency is very low,so we corresponding IP rating conversion through the experiment of air tightness test parameters relationship,change the test method,the introduction of differential pressure type gas tightness test instrument for product protection grade test. And combined with the company’s product characteristics and quality requirements to design a pneumatic principle of automatic testing device,used to improve the testing process relying on low manual efficiency,abnormal products can not be traced to the historical record and factory quality can not be guaranteed.
Keywords:IP protection level;measuring parameter;test method;linkage test;data storage
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