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(广东利元亨智能装备股份有限公司,广东 惠州 516057)

摘  要:“中国制造2025”战略规划的发布,促使中国企业自发性地加快生产模型的转型。较多行业学者对于什么是智能工厂、如何构建智能工厂进行广泛研究。从不同角度和维度去理解智能工厂的特征,发表了一些工厂特征、构建架构、理论。本文从类比人体结构的角度出发,同时结合工业4.0 的技术内涵、技术特征,对智能工厂构建包含的元素进行阐述和分析,对构建智能工厂过程中涉及的内容和注意事项提出一些参考建议


中图分类号:TP18         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0172-02

Analysis of Information Architecture Based on Intelligent Factory Construction

CHEN Jinzhong

(Guangdong Lyric Robot Automatic Co.,Ltd.,Huizhou 516057,China)

Abstract:With the launch of the “Made-in-China 2025”,building smart factories has become a boom in China’s manufacturing industry. Many scholars have carried out extensive research on what a smart factory is and how to build it. From different perspectives and dimensions,many frameworks and theories for understanding the characteristics of smart factory have been proposed. In this paper,from the perspective of the structure of human body,combined with the connotation and technical characteristics of Industrial 4.0,this paper expounds and analyzes the constitutive element of the smart factory,and puts forward some reference suggestions for the construction of the smart factory

Keywords:intelligent factory;network architecture;information technology


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