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基于3D 打印技术的多功能飞行器的发展研究
(扬州大学 机械工程学院,江苏 扬州 225000)

摘  要:作为现代信息化的代表之一,无人飞行器朝着轻量化和小型化方向发展,其结构形式、系统功能也不断丰富,在国防安全、遥感监控、农林防火等诸多领域发挥了重要作用。为满足提高无人飞行器空间利用率的需要,达到搭载承重限度的更高要求,对其材料选择、工艺加工、系统性能进行优化设计成为必然选择。而3D 打印技术具有成本低、周期短、便携制造、复制精确、能进行复杂加工和无废弃副产品等优点,可见,3D 打印在无人驾驶飞行器的设计制造方面具有独特优势。

关键词:3D 打印技术;无人机飞行器;无人机应用与发展

中图分类号:V229;TH16         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0164-03

Research on the Development of Multifunctional UAV Based on 3D Printing Technology

YU Chunyan,YU Qiang,HAN Lianjie,ZHANG Chenyang,XU Jiawei,LIANG Zhongyang

(School of Mechanical Engineering Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225000,China)

Abstract:As a representative of modern information technology,UAVs are developing in the direction of light weight and miniaturization. Their structural forms and system functions are also being enriched. They play an important role in many fields such as national defense security,remote sensing monitoring and forest fire prevention. In order to meet the need of improving the space utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles,and to meet the higher requirements of the load-bearing limit,it is inevitable to optimize the material selection,process processing and system performance. And 3D printing technology has the advantages of low cost,short cycle,portable manufacturing,accurate copying,complex processing and no waste by-products. It shows that 3D printing has unique advantages for designing and manufacturing unmanned aerial vehicles.

Keywords:3D printing technology;UAV aircraft;UAV application and development

基金项目:扬州大学2018 年校大学生学术科技创新基金项目:基于3D 打印技术的多功能仿生飞行器(项目编号:X20180268)。


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