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(广西工业职业技术学院,广西 南宁 530001)

摘  要:本文主要对“三维扫描与创新设计”课程的开发进行探讨,以笔者单位机械设计与制造专业教学标准以及该课程的课程标准为主要开发依据,在课程教学目标设计、课程教学内容设计、课程教法与学法设计这三个方面展开论述,课程开发过程体现了课程整改的最新要求,以“行动导向驱动”为主要课程教学方法,有效提升了教学效果,以“合作探究法”为主要学习手段,提高了学生的自主学习能力,为类似课程开发提供了可借鉴的宝贵实践经验。


中图分类号:TH122;G712         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0166-03

Research the Development of“3D Scanning and Innovative Design”Course

HUANG Binbin,LIANG Yanjuan,WU Jian

(Guangxi Vocational & Technical Institute of Industry,Nanning 530001,China)

Abstract:This paper mainly discusses the development of the course of “3D Scanning and Innovative Design”. Based on the teaching standard of the mechanical design and manufacturing major and the curriculum standard of the course,it discusses the three aspects of the course teaching goal design,the course teaching content design,the course teaching method and the learning method design. The process of curriculum development reflects the latest requirements of curriculum reform. It is required to take “action oriented driving”as the main course teaching method, effectively improve the teaching effect,take “cooperative inquiry method” as the main learning method,improve the students’independent learning ability,and provide valuable practical experience for similar course development.

Keywords:3D scanning and innovative design;course development;teaching content

基金项目:2017 年广西工业职业技术学院教育教学改革项目:基于逆向工程技术及3D打印的课程开发与探索(项目编号:2017004KY003)。


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[2] 徐媛媛,吕超珍,吴耀明.《机械制造技术》课程教学改革的研究与实践 [J]. 装备制造技术,2012(6):222-223.

作者简介:黄斌斌(1985-),男,汉族,广西贵港人,讲师,工程硕士,研究方向:逆向工程与3D 打印技术。