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(中国航空工业发展研究中心,北京 100029)

摘  要:在当今全球航空武器装备市场环境压力及应用环境复杂等诸多因素条件下,为了及时发现并评估航空武器装备产品研制项目过程中出现的风险,实现航空武器装备风险管理的制度化和常态化运行机制,需要利用基于项目WBS 的项目风险管理方法,解决复杂性较强的航空武器装备研制项目风险管理问题。本文通过引入基于项目WBS 的项目RBS,辅助采用主成分分析法理论,构建了飞机配套产品研制项目的风险管理模型。从而有助于在航空武器装备研制项目运行过程中及早发现风险、及早采取应对和防范措施,有利于把风险的负面影响减小到最小,以保证项目目标按计划达成。


中图分类号:TJ8;F284         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)24-0157-03

Research on Risk Planning of Aviation Weapon Equipment Development Project

XING Hongtao

(Aviation Industry Development Research Center of China,Beijing 100029,China)

Abstract:In today’s global aviation weapon equipment market environment pressure and complex application environment and many other factors. In order to discover and evaluate the risks in the development of aviation weapon equipment products in time and to realize the institutionalized and normalized operation mechanism of aviation weapon equipment risk management,the project risk management method based on project WBS(work breakdown structure) is needed to solve the complex aviation weapon equipment market environment pressure and complex application environment risk management of air weapon equipment development project. In this paper,RBS(risk breakdown structure) based on WBS is introduced,and principal component analysis(PCA)is used to build the risk management model of aircraft supporting product development project. Thus,it is helpful to detect risks,take countermeasures and preventive measures as early as possible in the operation process of aviation weapon equipment development project,reduce the negative impact of risks to the minimum,and ensure that the project objectives are achieved as planned.

Keywords:aviation weapon equipment;risk planning;equipment development


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作者简介:邢宏涛(1987.10-),女,汉族, 山东威海人,工程硕士,管理学学士,研究方向:航空武器装备研制项目管理。