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智能制造2018 年3 期

基于开源Arduino 的地震应急救生装置设计
(1. 河北地质大学 信息工程学院,河北 石家庄 050000;2. 河北地质大学 资源学院,河北 石家庄 050000)

摘  要:为实现地震预警及提高震后的生还几率,本文设计了地震应急救生装置。利用横纵波传播速度不同以及电磁波与地震波传播速度不同而产生的时间差,分析计算可能发生破坏性地震的区域并发出预警,为用户预留逃生时间,并在人们不具备逃生条件的情况下提供一个应急的避难空间。装置采用开源Arduino 技术,性价比高,装置设计了多个实用的功能模块,系统具有高度自动化和智能化的特点。

关键词:地震应急救生装置;Arduino 技术;功能模块;求救模块

中图分类号:TP368.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0162-03

Design of Earthquake Emergency Rescue Device Based on Open Source Arduino
HU Hui1,XIAO Zhenxia2
(1.College of Information Engineering,Hebei GEO University,Shijiazhuang 050000,China;2.College of Resourse,Hebei GEO University,Shijiazhuang 050000,China)

Abstract:In order to achieve early warning of earthquakes and improve the chance of earthquake recovery,an emergency rescue equipment for earthquakes was designed. In view of the time difference between the propagation velocity of the transverse wave,and the difference between the propagation velocity of the electromagnetic wave and the seismic wave,and the area where the destructive earthquake is likely to be calculated is analyzed,escape time for users and provide the emergency evacuation space when the people do not have the escape condition. The device uses open source Arduino technology,high cost performance,the device is designed with multiple functional modules,the system is highly automated and intelligent.

Keywords:earthquake emergency life-saving device;Arduino technology;function modules;help modules


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