摘 要:本文分析了智能地锁在目前充电桩使用中的重要性,总结了当前电动车充电遇到的燃油车占位情况,并设计了基于智能地锁管控充电车位的系统架构。对该系统中的关键技术和充电完整业务流程进行了研究,最终设计并实现了该系统。该智能地锁已经成功应用于国内某电动汽车充电运营商的试点城市中,取得了良好的效果。
中图分类号:U469.72 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0167-03
Technical Research and Design Based on Smart Ground Lock to Solve Fuel Truck Occupancy and Charge Reservation
WU Sheng1,YI Zheng1,SUN Yukun1,RU Zhen2
(1.Potevio New Energy Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100080,China;2.China Potevio Information Industry Inc,Beijing 100080,China)
Abstract:This paper analyzes the importance of intelligent lock in the use of current charging piles,sums up the position of the fuel vehicle in the current electric vehicle charging,and designs a system architecture based on the intelligent lock tube and control charging station. The key technologies and the complete business process of the charging system are studied,and the system is finally designed and implemented. The intelligent lock has been successfully applied to a pilot city of an electric vehicle charging operator in
China,and achieved good results.
Keywords:electric vehicle;charging pile;reservation charging;intelligent lock
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