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智能制造2018 年3 期

(沈阳新松机器人自动化股份有限公司,辽宁 沈阳 110169)

摘  要:受到科技因素的影响,社会诸多领域发生了翻天覆地的变化,其中在产品方面发生的变化不仅体现在产品的数量增多,还表现在复杂程度的提高。由此可见,对于整个商品市场而言,产品在科技因素的作用下不仅迎来了新的发展机遇,而且也面临着不少挑战,及时抓机遇并且克服挑战是获得进一步发展的关键。在这样的背景下,数字化车间设备集成技术得到广泛应用,而本文中笔者就从数字化车间入手,探讨数字化车间设备集成技术应用,以此来明确这一方面的内容。


中图分类号:TP399-CA;TQ056.8         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0180-02

Application and Analysis of Equipment Integration Technology in Digitization Workshop
JI Yongfeng
(SIASUN Robot & Automation Co.,Ltd.,Shenyang 110169,China)

Abstract:Influenced by scientific and technological factors,great changes have taken place in many fields of society. The changesin products are not only reflected in the increase in the number of products,but also in the improvement of the complexity. Therefore,for the whole commodity market,the product has not only ushered in new development opportunities but also faces many challenges under the role of scientific and technological factors. It is the key to catch the opportunity and overcome the challenge in time. In this context,the digitization workshop equipment integration technology is widely used,and in this paper,the author starts with the digital workshop and discusses the application of the equipment integration technology in the digital workshop,in order to clarify the content of this aspect.

Keywords:digitization workshop equipment;integrated technology;digitization workshop


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