摘 要:为了解决恒定阈值的传统扭矩限制器对不同重量的开合模块适应性差的弊端,提出了一种通过调节相对转动摩擦力的大小,从而实现扭力转矩可调节的新型扭矩限制器设计方案。该方案不仅能有效地克服传统扭矩限制器的上述弊端,拓展扭矩限制器在 OA 产品的应用,缩短了研发设计人员对扭矩限制器进行选型测试时消耗的时间、提高产品中开合功能模块的开发效率,而且因其结构简单、组装便利、性能可靠,也能有效地实现扭矩限制器的低成本化应用。
中图分类号:TH122 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0170-03
A Torque Limiter Design
ZHOU Guihong
(GRG Banking Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China)
Abstract:In order to solve the problem that the traditional torque limiter with constant threshold value has poor adaptability to different weights of the opening and closing module,this paper proposes a new torque limiter design scheme that can adjust the torque of the relative rotation by adjusting the relative rotational friction force. This solution not only can effectively overcome the above drawbacks of the traditional torque limiter,expands the application of the torque limiter in OA (office automation) products,shortens the time spent by the R&D designer on the selection test of the torque limiter,and improves the product opening. The development efficiency of the functional module,and because of its simple structure,convenient assembly,and reliable performance,can effectively realize the lowcost application of the torque limiter.
Keywords:limiter;torque limiter;torque converter;rotary shaft limiter;friction torque limiter
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作者简介:周桂洪(1981.03-),男,汉族,广东广州人,机械工程师,研究生,主要研究方向:ATM 及清分机核心模块设计、钞票识别模块及 ATM 整机的研发及应用。