摘 要:自动售检票系统领域关键模块质量良莠不齐,检测和评价能力薄弱。专用检测装置可对符合标准软件接口的模块进行功能、性能、可靠性检测,提升该领域自动化检测能力,节省人力成本,实现 AFC 非标系统部件的基准能力评测。从项目需求、软硬件功能设计及可靠性评估算法角度,阐述自动售检票系统专用检测装置的系统设计及未来研究方向。
关键词:AFC 系统;专用检测装置;可靠性评估
中图分类号:U293.221;TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)05-0125-05
Special Detection Device for Key Modules of AFC System
XUE Hongchang1,LIU Guangping1,PAN Jinming1,LIAO Qing1,JIN Shoujie 2
(1. GRG Banking Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China; 2. Guangzhou Metro Group Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510330,China)
Abstract:The quality of key modules in the field of automatic fare collection system is uneven,and the ability of detection and evaluation is weak. The special detection device can detect the function,performance and reliability of the modules that meet the standard software interface,improve the automatic detection ability in this field,save labor cost,and realize the benchmark ability evaluation of the non-standard system components of AFC. From the perspective of project requirements,software and hardware function design and reliability evaluation algorithm,expounds the system design and future research direction of the special detection device for AFC system.
Keywords:AFC system;special detection device;reliability assessment
基金项目:国家重点研发计划:复杂环境下城轨车站设备及系统能力保持技术课题(2017YF B1201203)
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作者简介:薛红昌(1983-),男,汉族,山西临汾人,就职于 AFC 开发二部,硬件工程师,电子技术工程师,2007 年毕业于长江大学,工学学士,研究方向:自动售检票系统研发、硬币模块、TOKEN 模块、票卡模块研发。