摘 要:通过对比两种传动链传输方案优缺点,挑选性价比更优的皮带夹送传输方案。为解决步进电机高频转矩低的缺点,通过负载自动检测控制算法,电机能“感知”外部负载变化,自动调节电机转速及转矩,既能使皮带传输通道高效传输,又能避免电机长期低速运转的发热问题。同时阐述一种用 Excel 表分析步进电机加减速曲线的方法,方便调试步进电机曲线性能。
中图分类号:U293.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0146-04
Control Algorithm of Belt Pinch Transmission
XUE Hongchang,LIAO Qing,WU Aiming,PAN Jinming,LIAO Xiaojian
(GRG Banking Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China)
Abstract:By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two transmission schemes,the belt pinch transmission scheme with better cost performance is selected. In order to solve the problem of high frequency low torque of stepping motor,through the load automatic detection control algorithm,the motor can “sense” the external load change,automatically adjust the motor speed and torque,so that the belt transmission channel can not only efficiently transmit,but also avoid the heating problem of long-term low-speed operation of the motor. At the same time,a method of using Excel to analyze the acceleration and deceleration curve of stepping motor is described,which is convenient to debug the curve performance of stepping motor.
Keywords:belt pinch;drive chain;acceleration and deceleration curve;load detection algorithm
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作者简介:薛红昌(1983-),男,汉族,山西临汾人,就职于 AFC 开发二部,硬件工程师,电子技术工程师,2007 年毕业于长江大学,工学学士,研究方向:自动售检票系统研发、硬币模块、TOKEN 模块、票卡模块研发。