摘 要:以 STM32 单片机为控制核心,采用蓝牙通信、GPS 高精度定位、TF Mini LiDAR 精准测距以及重量感应等高新技术集于一体的基于蓝牙模块的自动跟踪行李箱系统,实现了自动跟踪、定位追踪、智能避障等功能。通过识别佩戴在人体身上的主蓝牙与安装在行李箱上的两个从蓝牙模块之间连接信号的强弱,将采集回来的数据应用到 PID 算法中,控制行李箱轮子转动的方向及速度,实现自动跟踪人体前进的功能。这一研究实现了人们理想中携带智能行李箱便捷出行的生活方式。
中图分类号:TP271;TN925 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)06-0150-03
Automatic Tracking Smart Suitcase System Based on Bluetooth Module
QIN Chaomei1,LI Chaoping1,CEN Zeming1,ZHANG Jianmin1,LI Huiheng2
(1.Faculty of Intelligent Manufacturing,Wuyi University,Jiangmen 529020,China; 2.Guangdong Enping Ding Li Audio Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Jiangmen 529400,China)
Abstract:The STM32 microcontroller as the control core,using Bluetooth communication,GPS high-precision positioning,TF Mini LiDAR precise ranging,weight sensing and other high-tech integration of bluetooth module based automatic tracking suitcase system,realizing automatic tracking,positioning tracking,intelligent obstacle avoidance and other functions. By identifying the strength of the connection signals between the main bluetooth that is worn on the human body and the two bluetooth modules installed on the suitcase,the collected data are applied to the PID algorithm to control the direction and speed of the suitcase wheel rotation,realizing the function of automatically tracking the progress of the human body. This research has realized people’s ideal lifestyle of carrying smart luggage for convenient travel.
Keywords:Bluetooth module;automatic tracking;location tracking;intelligent obstacle avoidance
基金项目:广东大学生科技创新培育专项资金(pdjh2020b0602);2019 年校级大创项目(2 01911349161);2019 校级教改项目(JX2019068)
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