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基于SVM 算法的焊缝射线图像重复性检测研究
杨湘粤¹,伍希志 ¹’²,黄雪优³
(1. 中南林业科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙 410004;2. 广州达意隆包装机械股份有限公司,广东 广州 510530; 3. 湖南省特种设备检验检测研究院,湖南 长沙 410117)

摘  要:针对特种设备监督检查过程中焊缝射线图像复制、伪造等问题,对图像进行重复性检测研究,防止企业对图像进行人为作假。文章采用了SVM 算法对焊缝射线图像的图像复制、图像编号篡改和图像重复拍摄三种重复类别进行检测研究,研究结果表明,该算法对复制和编号篡改类型的图像检测准确率为100%,对产品重复拍摄类型的图像检测准确率为93.3%,通过与差异哈希算法检测结果进行对比后发现,SVM 算法有着更准确地识别效果。

关键词:射线图像;重复性检测;SVM 算法;差异哈希算法

中图分类号:TP391.41         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0155-05

Research on Repeatability Detection of Weld Radiographic Image Based on SVM Algorithm

YANG Xiangyue 1,WU Xizhi 1,2,HUANG Xueyou 3

(1.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha 410004,China;2.Guangzhou Tech-Long Packaging Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510530,China;3.Hunan Special Equipment Inspection and Testing Institute,Changsha 410117,China)

Abstract:In view of the duplication and forgery of weld radiographic images in the process of special equipment supervision and inspection,the repeatability detection of images is carried out to prevent enterprises from artificially falsifying images. The article uses the SVM algorithm to detect and research the three repetitive categories of image duplication of weld radiographic images,image number tampering,and image repeated shooting. The research results show that the algorithm has 100% accuracy in detecting duplication and number tampering types of images. The accuracy rate of image detection for the repeated shooting type of the product is93.3%. By comparing with the detection result of the different hash algorithm,it is verified that the SVM algorithm has a more accurate recognition effect.

Keywords:radiographic image;repeatability detection;SVM algorithm;different hash algorithm



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