摘 要:该设备是基于单片机和Android 的一款辅助盲人使用智能手机的设备,硬件端通过蓝牙模块接收Android APP发送过来的信息,通过盲文转译系统转译成特定的编码,进而控制微电机运动,推动顶针,显示盲人可以识别的盲文。盲人端Android APP 除了可以将短消息转换为盲文外,还可以将盲人语音转换为文字发送到硬件端显示,还具有短消息读出、求助等功能。该设备可以帮助盲人使用智能手机,让盲人融入移动互联网时代。
中图分类号:TN912.34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0152-04
Design of Auxiliary Interactive Equipment for Blind Use Smart Phone
ZHU Huiyuan,FANG Yunlong,ZHAO Shun,WU Xudong ,GAO Mengting
(Suzhou Vocational University,Suzhou 215104,China)
Abstract:The device is a device based on MCU and Android to assist the blind to use smart phones. The hardware terminal receives the information sent by Android APP through Bluetooth module,and translates it into a specific code through Braille translation system, so as to control the movement of the micro-motor,push the thimble,and display the Braille that the blind can recognize. Android APP for the blind can not only convert short messages into Braille,but also convert the voice of the blind into text and send it to the hardware for display. It also has the functions of reading short messages and asking for help. The device can help the blind use smart phones and integrate them into the mobile internet era.
Keywords:blind;Bluetooth communication;human-computer interaction
基金项目:2019 年全国高等院校计算机基础教育研究会计算机基础教育教学研究项目(2019-AFCEC-067);2017 年江苏省高等职业教育高水平骨干专业建设项目(苏教高〔2017〕17 号)“应用电子技术”(序号120)
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