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(国家能源集团科学技术研究院有限公司,江苏 南京 210046)

摘  要:由于传统大型发电机组在运维过程中仍然会出现错误操作,且运维错误次数较多,为此文章提出大型发电机组运维安全防误管控技术与应用。利用无线传感器采集发电机组运维时间数据,利用深度学习算法对采集数据进行学习和训练,识别大型发电机组运维错误数据;依靠PLC 软件对发电机组运维错误参数进行修改和调整,以此实现大型发电机组运维安全防误管控。经实验证明,应用设计技术发电机组运维错误次数少于传统技术。


中图分类号:TM77;TM63         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)21-0163-03

Technology and Application of Error Prevention and Control for Operation and Maintenance Safety of Large Generating Units

SHI Mingliang

(National Energy Group Science and Technology Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 210046,China)

Abstract:Because of the traditional large generating units is still have incorrect operations during the operation and maintenance process,and the operation and maintenance error number is more,the article puts forward the large generating units operation and maintenance safety and error prevention and control technology and application. Using wireless sensors to collect generating units operation and maintenance time data,using deep learning algorithm to learn and train collected data,to identify the operations of large generators error data;the operation and maintenance error parameters of generating units are modified and adjusted by using PLC software,so as to realize the operation and maintenance safety and error prevention and control of large generating units. It has been proved by experiments that the operation and maintenance error frequency of generating units using design technology is less than that of traditional technology.

Keywords:large generating units;operation and maintenance safety;error prevention and control


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