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(厦门宏发汽车电子有限公司,福建 厦门 361021)

摘  要:智能诊断技术对自动化设备的潜在故障和设备早期的性能劣化提供及时、有效地监测和预警,为自动化设备的高 效维护提供强有力的保障。现在,用来对自动化设备进行监测诊断的技术很多,但也存在一定的不足。鉴于发展智能诊断技术的重大意义,本文通过理论结合实践经验的方式进行了公司自动化设备智能故障检测与诊断技术的研究应用。智能诊断技术使自动化设备的故障和潜在缺陷得到快速准确的维护和处理,从而显著提高了生产效率,降低了设备维修保障的费用,对生产实践活动意义重大。


中图分类号:TP277         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)04-0170-03

Research and Application of the Intelligent Faults Diagnosis Technology for Automation Equipment
LIN Zhiyang
(Xiamen Hongfa Electroacoustic Co.,Ltd.,Xiamen 361021,China)

Abstract:The intelligent diagnosis technology provides timely and effective monitoring and early warning to the potential failure of the automation equipment,and makes it possible for the efficient maintenance of the automation equipment. Nowadays,there are many technologies for monitoring and diagnosing the automation equipment,but there are still many problems. Since it is much significant for developing intelligent diagnosis technology,this paper summarizes the research and application of intelligent fault detection and diagnosis technology by combining theory with practical experience. The intelligent diagnosis technology makes the faults and potential defects of the automation equipment quickly and accurately maintained and processed,thus improving the production efficiency and reducing the cost of the maintenance,which is great significant to the manufacturing enterprises.

Keywords:automation equipment;intelligent diagnosis;faults diagnosis


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