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(上海宝信软件股份有限公司,上海 201203)

摘  要:车站是轨道交通运营管理的基本节点。然而,目前车站的运营管理和乘客服务仍以人工处理为主,近年来,随着城市轨道交通行业向智慧化转型,作为城轨节点的车站也在进行智慧化试点研究和建设,从而提升面向车站工作人员的运营管理效率和面向乘客的服务质量。文章基于实际参与建设的智慧车站项目,对智慧车站建设的内容和现状进行梳理总结,并就未来智慧车站的发展趋势提出几点思考。



中图分类号:TP18                                     文献标识码:A                                      文章编号:2096-4706(2021)03-0140-05

Research on the Construction and Development Trend of Smart Station for Smart City Rail

ZHOU Liyuan

(Shanghai Baosight Software Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201203,China)

Abstract:Station is the basic node of rail transit operation management. However,the current station operation management and passenger service are mainly manual processing. In recent years,with the transformation of city rail transit industry to intelligence,the station,as the node of city rail transit,is also carrying out intelligent pilot research and construction,so as to improve the operation and management efficiency of station staff and the service quality of passengers. Based on the actual participation in the construction of smart station project,this paper summarizes the content and current situation of smart station construction,and puts forward some thoughts on the future development trend of smart station.

Keywords:rail transit;smart station;management and control system;construction content;development trend


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作者简介:周礼愿(1994—),女,汉族,江苏无锡人,工程 师,本科,研究方向:城市轨道交通综合监控系统。