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5G 在离散制造中的应用研究
(中国信息通信研究院广州分院,广东 广州 510535)

摘  要:5G 技术是推动制造业数字化、网络化、智能化发展的重要抓手,面向离散制造业转型升级需求的 5G 应用在不断发展成熟。文章以系统研判5G融合应用发展态势以及离散制造业数字化转型趋势为切入点,基于5G在离散制造不同环节的应用场景,通过对比不同通信技术的网络性能指标,总结了 5G 在离散制造中的技术优势,并提出了加快推进 5G 在离散制造中应用的建议。



中图分类号:TN929.5                                     文献标识码:A                                   文章编号:2096-4706(2021)04-0162-05

Research on Application of 5G in Discrete Manufacturing

ZHU Jinzhou,SHI Lin,SHI Ge,XIE Suipeng

(Guangzhou Branch of China Academy of Information and Communications Technology,Guangzhou 510535,China)

Abstract:5G technology is the key points to promote the digital,network and intelligent development of manufacturing industry. 5G application,which is facing the transformation and upgrading needs of discrete manufacturing industry,is continually developing and mature. In this paper,taking systematic research and judgment the development trend of 5G integration application and the digital transformation trend of discrete manufacturing industry as a starting point. Based on the application scenarios of 5G in different links of discrete manufacturing,the technical advantages of 5G in discrete manufacturing are summarized by comparing the network performance indexes of different communication technologies,and the suggestions to accelerate the application of 5G in discrete manufacturing are put forward.

Keywords:5G;discrete manufacturing;digital transformation;application scenarios


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作者简介:朱金周(1975.07—),男,汉族,河南上蔡人, 副院长,正高级工程师,博士,研究方向:数字经济、工业经济; 石林(1992.04—),女,壮族,广西南宁人,中级工程师,硕士, 研究方向:移动通信;石阁(1993.10—),女,汉族,湖北黄冈人, 中级工程师,硕士,研究方向:数字经济;谢穗鹏(1992.03—), 男,汉族,广东广州人,工程师,硕士,研究方向:移动通信。